Uji Organoleptik Tingkat Sangrai Biji Kopi Arabika Argopuro Menggunakan Metode Penyeduhan V60

Cahyo, Larinintiano Iman Dwi (2023) Uji Organoleptik Tingkat Sangrai Biji Kopi Arabika Argopuro Menggunakan Metode Penyeduhan V60. Diploma thesis, Politeknik Negeri Jember.

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Organoleptic Test of Roast Level of Argopuro Arabica Coffee Beans Using the v60 Brewing Method Larintiano Iman Dwi Cahyo, NIM A32191391, the Year 2022, 55 pages, Plantation Plant Production Study Program, Department of Agricultural Production, Jember State Polytechnic, Ir. Usken Fisdiana, M.ST. (Supervisor). The process of post-harvest handling and processing of coffee beans requires attention to various aspects that can protect the quality of coffee beans. One of the most important things is in the roasting stage. The roasting process is a process that aims to form the taste and aroma of coffee beans. The classification of roasting based on the degree of temperature, time, and color is broken down into three namely light, medium, and dark. Good aroma and taste can be obtained through the roasting stage using the right temperature and time at each roast level which can make the coffee products obtained produce the desired aroma and taste according to consumer tastes. This scientific activity aims to determine what effect is obtained on the roasting level of Argopuro Arabica coffee using the v60 brewing method and at what roasting level is the most preferred by consumers. The benefits expected from this scientific activity are to provide information on quality, density, moisture content, temperature, roasting time, and how to optimize the roasting process for Argopuro Arabica coffee by determining the right roasting level so as to increase the quality of Argopuro Arabica coffee. This activity used the calculation of a randomized block design or RAK with 3 treatments, namely P1 (light roasting level), P2 (medium roasting level), and P3 (dark roasting level), each of which was tested on 42 somewhat trained panelists and got significantly different results or had an influence to the consumer's preference level, then a 5% BNT follow-up test was calculated so that the highest hedonic mean value was P2 (medium) with a roasting time of 6 minutes 7 seconds because this treatment can bring out the distinctive taste contained in Argopuro arabica coffee optimally and make the coffee taste balanced or balance between aroma, taste, body, acidity, sweetness, and aftertaste.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Thesis advisorFisdiana, UskenNIDN0021106007
Subjects: 140 - Rumpun Ilmu Tanaman > 150 - Ilmu Pertanian dan Perkebunan > 155 - Perkebunan
Divisions: Jurusan Produksi Pertanian > Prodi D4 Budidaya Tanaman Perkebunan > Tugas Akhir
Depositing User: Larintiano Iman Dwi Cahyo
Date Deposited: 21 Mar 2023 06:46
Last Modified: 21 Mar 2023 06:48
URI: https://sipora.polije.ac.id/id/eprint/20979

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