Prediction of the distribution of geotherm sources based on the geothermal temperature gradient in the Blawan Bondowoso

Siti Diah Ayu Febriani, Febriani and Akhmad Afandi, Afandi and Nuraini Lusi, Aini and Subono, Subono (2021) Prediction of the distribution of geotherm sources based on the geothermal temperature gradient in the Blawan Bondowoso. Prediction of the distribution of geothermal sources based on the geothermal temperature gradient in the Blawan Bondowoso, 13 (3). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2214-157X

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This study was carried out on the distribution of temperature gradients and heat transfer in the Blawan geothermal field, using a temperature sensor to detect the below-ground temperatures to a depth of 2 m with five sensors. Each of these sensors is able to record temperature with an interval of 30 s. The temperature distribution of the legible data indicates that the highest temperature value has been recorded. Reservoir temperature estimation models were obtained at a depth of 2000 m by 194 ◦C. Furthermore, the heat flow rate on slaves 1, 2, 3 and 4 were 192.837, 309.046, 517.916 and 228.533 W/m2, respectively. Based on the results of the heat flow calculation, it was discovered that the greater the temperature gradient value, the higher the rate of heat flow occurring at the drill point. Keywords: Geothermal energy Temperature sensor Temperature gradient Heat flow

Item Type: Article
AuthorSiti Diah Ayu Febriani, Diah0020029103
Subjects: 100 - Rumpun Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (MIPA) > 110 - Ilmu IPA > 111 - Fisika
410 - Rumpun Ilmu Teknik > 430 - Ilmu Keteknikan Industri > 442 - Teknik Fisika
410 - Rumpun Ilmu Teknik > 430 - Ilmu Keteknikan Industri > 443 - Teknik Enerji
410 - Rumpun Ilmu Teknik > 470 - Teknologi Kebumian > 471 - Teknik Panas Bumi
410 - Rumpun Ilmu Teknik > 470 - Teknologi Kebumian > 472 - Teknik Geofisika
Divisions: Jurusan Teknik > Prodi D4 Teknik Energi Terbarukan > Publikasi
Depositing User: Siti Diah Ayu Febriani
Date Deposited: 05 Jun 2023 01:49
Last Modified: 05 Jun 2023 01:49

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