Genotype Interaction High Production and Early Aged Promising Lines Soybean With Environment In East Java

Sjamsijah, Nurul (2016) Genotype Interaction High Production and Early Aged Promising Lines Soybean With Environment In East Java. Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia, 9. pp. 510-517. ISSN 2210-7843

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Genotype interaction with environment is general phenomenon in many countries with high biogeophysic variability as Indonesia. Different responses two or more genotypes a certain environment to the other environment will be followed by modification sequence genotype. Stability analysis and adaptability could be used to identify genotype in multilocation test. An experiment had been held in April until July 2013 at 8 locations, are experiment garden Inlitkabi Genteng Banyuwangi, Muneng Probolinggo, Kendal Payak Malang, Lumajang, Nganjuk, Ngale-Ngawi, and State Polytechnic of Jember. The choice of locations are based on centers production and altitude (≤ 500 m asl). Seven promising lines of soybean Jember multi location tested were: (1) GHJ-1, (2) GHJ-2, (3) GHJ-3, (4) GHJ-4, (5) GHJ-5, (6) UNEJ-1, (7) UNEJ-2. As well as three varieties, namely : Malabar as donor parent early maturity, (9) Ringgit as standard of comparation Malabar as donor parent early maturity, (9) Ringgit as standard of comparation standard of comparation is susceptible to leaf rust, and (10) Wilis. GHJ-1 line was result of crossing between Unej-1 x Malabar, while GHJ-2 was a reciprocal hybrid. GHJ-3 was the result of crossing between Unej-2 x Malabar, where as line GHJ, GHJ-4 and GHJ-5 was a standard of hybrid (Malabar x Unej-2). Crosses with Malabar varieties intended to shorten the lifespan of the results of its cross. Results of the experiment were as follows: Genotype GHJ which were stable and could adapt on eight research environments with high yield and early maturing age were (a) GHJ-3 genotype where the average yield is 3.02 t/ha was almost equal to the average population 3.04 t/ha, was the highest results in locations Malang 3.62 t/ha and was the highest genotype ranking Ngawi location. The mean age genotype ripe pods were shorter than the average population that is 77 days, for Probolinggo, Jember and Jombang were 73-75 after planting. (b) GHJ-5 the average of the results of genotype 3.12 t/ha was higher than the average population. The results per hectare GHJ-5 genotype in Jember, Malang and Lumajang was the highest one spot compared to the other Genotypes. The highest result in the location of Jember was 3.92 t/ha. The mean age Genotype ripe pods were shorter than the average population that was 79 days, for Probolinggo and Jombang were 75 days after planting.

Item Type: Article
AuthorSjamsijah, NurulNIDN0007036002
Subjects: 140 - Rumpun Ilmu Tanaman > 150 - Ilmu Pertanian dan Perkebunan > 156 - Pemuliaan Tanaman
Divisions: Arsip Khusus
Depositing User: Dr. Ir. Nurul Sjamsijah, MP
Date Deposited: 02 May 2023 02:31
Last Modified: 25 May 2023 13:39

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