Decision support system for the selection of horticulture crops


  • Trismayanti Dwi Puspitasari
  • Nanik Anita Mukhlisoh


One effort to improve food security by cultivating horticulture crops. The cultivation of horticulture can provide direct benefits with personal user or sale. However, in the cultivation often occurs obstacles, It is to understand in determining the kind of horticulture crop which is good to be planted based on the condition of the region. Based on the problem it is necessary to do  research  on Decision  Support  System  for  The  Selection  of  Horticulture  Crop  with  Fuzzy Method  to  Increase  Food  Security.  Fuzzy  logic  is  suitable  for  incomplete  data  and  decision support system is used to find the optimal alternative of weights for every attribute that has been normalized by the fuzzy method. The objective of this system is able to provide information on appropriate horticultural crops and can improve productivity and food security.


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